General Features

The BB Renda de Papési born with the aim of provide access to a wide variety of real estate assets from real estate credit securities to real estate investment fund quotas with a high level of dilution of the risks inherent to the types of assets it acquires analyzed in depth by technicians and specialists of credit and real estate markets.

CNPJ 15.394.563/0001-89
Ticker RNDP11
ANBIMA Classification FII Renda Gestão Ativa - Segmento de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários
Objective Provide profitability to shareholders by investing in real estate financial assets.
Target Audience investidor in general
Incept Date 30/04/2012
Duration 10 years
Taxation exempt for natural person
Management fee 0,551% per year²
Performance fee 20% out the amount that exceeds 100% of the fee DI.
Shares Issued 107.481
Administrator Votorantim Asset Management Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda.
Manager Votorantim Asset Management Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda.
Bookkeeper Votorantim Asset Management Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda.
Distribution The administrator will distribute at least 95% of the profit income calculated in the half-yearly balance sheet ended in June 30 and December 31 of each year. The earned income will be distributed monthly on the tenth working day of each month subsequent to the receipt of funds by the fund.

¹ As long as the fund has at least 50 (fifty) quotaholders, the shareholder does not hold 10% (ten percent) or more of the total shares or income earned by the fund and the shares are admitted to trading exclusively on stock exchanges or in the organized over-the-counter market. For more information about taxation on investment of shares in the fund, read the item Taxation of investors, in the Taxation section of the fund’s regulations.

² For more information, see the fund’s prospectus and regulations.

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