Offer (Summary and Advertising Material)
Offer´s characteristics | ||
Issuer | BB Renda de Papéis Imobiliários Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário – FII. | |
Offer Type |
Lead Coordinator | BB-Banco de Investimento S.A. | |
Managing Institution and Fund Manager | Votorantim Asset Management Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda. | |
Bookkeeper | Votorantim Asset Management Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários Ltda. | |
total of Offer | up tp R$ 400.000.000,00 (four hundred million reais) | |
Nominal Unit Value of Shares | R $ 1,000.00 (one thousand reais), on the date of Subscription and Payment of the Offered Quotas. | |
Minimum Amount of Investment in the Issue | R $ 10,000.00 (ten thousand reais) | |
underwriting | The Distribution of the Offered Quotas was carried out by the Leading Institution, under the regime of best efforts. | |
Quotas Amortization | There is no programmed amortization. The administrator, at his sole discretion, may amortize as Quotas whenever it is impossible to allocate the Fund’s resources in the Target Assets, by means of the uniform payment to all Quotaholders of a portion of the value of their Quotas. | |
acquisition and negotiation of quotas | The Quotas are registered for trading on the secondary market on the stock exchange market managed by B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa e Balcão. | |
Publicity and Disclosure of Fund Information | All relevant announcements, acts and / or facts relating to the Fund will be made available at physical and electronic addresses:
In addition to being made available to the Administrator’s physical and electronic addresses, the information described below will be sent to the Shareholders by letter and / or electronic mail: (i) summary of the decisions taken by the Shareholders’ General Meeting; (ii) semiannual deposit account statement accompanied by the value of the Fund’s equity at the beginning and end of the period, the equity value of the Quota, and the profitability calculated in the period, as well as the balance and value of the Quotas at the beginning and at the end the period and the movement that occurred in the same interval, if applicable; (iii) information on the number of Quotas held by the Company and the respective equity value, as well as the proof for the purposes of declaring income tax; and (iv) call for the Shareholders’ General Meeting . |
(*) Portuguese Only